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 looking for information canyons Campania

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V I S U A L I Z Z A    D I S C U S S I O N E
philip Inserito il - 26 aprile 2017 : 14:15:04

I would like to go canyoning in Campania.
But I have problems finding information.
I have the names of the canyons I would like to do but from several I have no idea where the start and exit point is.

Can someone help me with the needed information.

Many thanks in advance


2   U L T I M E    R I S P O S T E    (in alto le più recenti)
erpirata Inserito il - 30 aprile 2017 : 19:28:06
Hi Philip,
in my opinion, for continuity and wildness, a 'must to do' canyon in Campania is the 'Vallone dell'Inferno' (Hell's Valley) on Monte Cervati.

It's the first part of a karst river, Bussento, which borns from a cave in Varco La Peta (which will be the starting point of your descent), and turns underground some kilometers after.

cosimo Inserito il - 30 aprile 2017 : 14:46:18
Dear Philip,

I don't have any information regardging canyons in Campania. I usually find some some information in this forum but It depends if the canyon you are seeking are the same of the posts. You can find some information also on descent de canyon. Try also to look at the Catasto forre of AIC (see web page).
I wish you a nive trip


Messaggio di philip


I would like to go canyoning in Campania.
But I have problems finding information.
I have the names of the canyons I would like to do but from several I have no idea where the start and exit point is.

Can someone help me with the needed information.

Many thanks in advance


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