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 Oules de Freissinières
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Torrentista Seriale

Regione: Liguria
Prov.: Genova
Città: genova

233 Messaggi

Inserito il - 14 ottobre 2013 : 00:20:58  Mostra Profilo  Visita l'Homepage di Tapullante Invia a Tapullante un Messaggio Privato  Rispondi Quotando
Al parcheggio a valle dell'Amen abbiamo incontrato tre ragazzi sloveni (Davidov?) che ci hanno raccontato di aver sforrato il giorno prima da Les Oules, per una tormenta di neve, per la via di fuga a monte del geyser.
Hanno detto che la portata del torrente secondo loro è al limite della fattibilità.
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Torrentista Chiacchierone

Regione: Estero
Prov.: Estero
Città: slovenia

305 Messaggi

Inserito il - 20 ottobre 2013 : 10:10:26  Mostra Profilo Invia a davidov un Messaggio Privato  Rispondi Quotando
On Friday 11th of October we started our odyssey with long drive by car to France. Our plans have been: Oulues di Freissinieres, Oulues du Diable, La Meije, Etages and on the way back Rio Claretto. Good plans but this account has been without a waiter. Overnight we could not get because it was the end of the season and we had to sleep outside in minus 3 degrees Celsius. On Saturday we drove into the valley, and found that once again fallen new snow in the mountains. We waited until the sun and enter the canyon at 12 o'clock. The rocks were covered with a thin layer of ice and plenty of water. Soon, the clouds covered sky, and started to fall light snow.All this has greatly escalated and began a strong snow fall. Before the geyser waterfall we decided to get out, because we no longer enjoy the canyon. I was very sad. We did not have any trouble in the canyon as we all danger passed without difficulty and in very high water. Clips you can see on the viewing You Tube are at the low water level and in such circumstances, the canyon is not difficult because it is very well equipped. Jump ahead geyser is really good (14m). In the parking lot, we talked with two Frenchmen who started 2 hours before Us. They sad that the water level was on the limit and the best season for the Oulues is on September. During our conversation, we noticed that the snow layer our equipment. According another outdoor night on minus and bad weather, we decided to go to the south.

I am very grateful to Marie for her generous assistance and info.

Thank's Marie.

Canyoning Cult Slovenia

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Torrentista Seriale

Regione: Estero
Prov.: Estero
Città: Marsiglia - Francia

144 Messaggi

Inserito il - 09 ottobre 2017 : 17:13:10  Mostra Profilo Invia a Marie un Messaggio Privato  Rispondi Quotando
Fatto il 7 ottobre, portata ridotta per questa forra ma che rimane decisamente un "gros débit" con dei movimenti dell'acqua in qualche pozza da non sottovalutare. Acqua e ambiente particolarmente glaciale questo giorno! . Armi OK.


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