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 Esplorazioni Italia
 Fontanon del Tasseit
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Torrentista Chiacchierone

Regione: Estero
Prov.: Estero
Cittā: slovenia

305 Messaggi

Inserito il - 09 novembre 2015 : 12:04:22  Mostra Profilo Invia a davidov un Messaggio Privato  Rispondi Quotando
On Sunday 9th of November we made thr first descent through Fontanon del Tasseit on Lago di Selva (David Sefaj, Matic Udir, Grega Maffi, Georg Buol and Robert Žerovec). Probably the hardest accessible canyon in entire region of Friuli. We spend 2 days, one day to reach the area and carrying the equipment almost to the top of the canyon and second day to have reached the source of the Fontanon and explored the canyon. we equiped the canyon sufficint with 10mm bolts with rings and chains. The highest waterfall is 75 meters high and the highest jump is 13 meters. Grande Course and not for the instant canyoneers.

Canyoning Cult


Modificato da - davidov in Data 09 novembre 2015 14:13:10
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