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 Esplorazioni Italia
 Rio Sfonderat, Friuli venezia Giulia

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V I S U A L I Z Z A    D I S C U S S I O N E
gebu Inserito il - 08 agosto 2013 : 15:36:17
On the 3.8.2013 we (Georg Buol, Thomas Prettner, Anna Mayer) went down this canyon in Val Dogna

Its a wild and remote canyon with a nice parts but also much walking and downclimbing on slippery rocks

Rope needed: 2x30m, a3v3 IV

Approach: Follow path 640 down to Torrente Dogna and up until it reaches the ruins at the crossing with path 651. Follow 640 further up though a very nice forest until it makes a sharp turn to the left (markers on trees to make sure hikers to Cimone don't end up in Sfonderat). Here go straight ahead - the path is steep and slippery at the beginning but gets less steep after you reach some rocks. Cross the mountainside until you reach a dry creekbed, then go up slightly until you reach a "saddle" with some fallen trees high above the canyon. From here on the path is much more obvious - traverse until you reach a creekbed with water, cross the creek and follow the wall on the other side until you reach a steep wet wall with a new iron rope. Climb down this rope into the canyon. From here its about 15min of annoying boulderhopping until you reach the first rappel (sling on the right side).

Pictures: https://plus.google.com/photos/107510219556575653916/albums/5908606251150602769?banner=pwa

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