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V I S U A L I Z Z A    D I S C U S S I O N E
davidov Inserito il - 23 novembre 2016 : 15:32:05
On 23th of October 2016 we made the first descent through Kreuzgraben. Kreuzgraben is the largest right tributary of the very famous tourist gorge Garnitzenklamm and is located on the Austrian side of the Carnic Alps in Kärnten near Hermagor. The canyon is very steep and mostly enclosed in its whole length with only one short open section. There are many beautiful rappels, sometimes directly into the water. The environment is extremely interesting due to the enormous walls that soar over the canyon, rock is a nice smooth and we can see some huge stuck boulders. The only bad side of this canyon are some wedged trunks in the streambed. Kreuzgraben is probably the best canyon, which was explored in the last few years in the Kärnten area and offers to you a really nice descent. Avoid it after rain and at unstable weather, danger of flash flood. There is still about 200m of difference in height till you reach the hiking path in Garnitzenklamm. This part has not been descended yet. Because of the short day at the end of October we couldn't finish the canyon to the confluence with Garnitzenklamm. This part is probably not so interest but we will finish that part in the fiture. Lower Garnitzenklamm is a highly aquatic canyon with many high jumps.

Canyoning Cult: (David Sefaj, Georg Buol, Grega Maffi, Matic Udir, Robert Žerovec, Tom Prettner) and Hannes Holzer.

Map of the area:


474,17 KB

Description of the canyon by David Sefaj & Georg Buol

Allegato: Kreutzgraben.pdf
125,65 KB

Some photos:


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Some more photos on: https://www.facebook.com/CanyoningCultSlovenia/photos/?tab=album&album_id=1317177668324776

Canyoning Cult


2   U L T I M E    R I S P O S T E    (in alto le più recenti)
davidov Inserito il - 23 novembre 2016 : 17:08:54
Thank you Geronimo. I am very glad that you like it. It is very interesting, that it has already the first repetition.

Geronimo Inserito il - 23 novembre 2016 : 16:44:27
WOW ! What an amazing place !
My best compliments...

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